Kelly's 1914 Trade Directory for Stroud
including Cainscross, Dudbridge & Ebley

SurnameFirst namesAddressOccupation
ABELLGeorge FosterRowcroft, Rowcroft House [h]manager, Lloyds bank ; treasurer, Stroud UDC,
& Stroud Gen Hosp, & Stroudwater Navig Co
ABELLJames EdwardGloucester st, 31greengrocer
ADAMSJames WilliamStratford rd, Hawthorne villa
ALDERGeorge FrancisKing st, 9seedsman
ALDRIDGEGeorge FrederickHigh st, 13china and glass dealer
ALDRIDGEHiramChurch st, 22watchmaker
ALDRIDGEJoseph WilliamHorns rd, The HawthornsUDC member
ALDRIDGERose (Mrs)Gloucester st, 10hardware dealer
ALLCARDWalterHigh st, 7leather merchant
ALLENCharles PeterPaganhill, Farm Hill parkRt Hon, MP
ALLENEdwinstation master, Midland railway
ALLENJamesLower Springfield rdteacher of music
ANDREWSWilliam GCainscrosstobacconist
ANGELLCharlesRowcroft, 9hotel owner (commercial and temperance)
Anthony, T P & Co LtdKing st, 20general drapers
ANTHONYArthurLansdown, Riga House
Apperley, Bidlake & CoBowbridgecloth merchants
APPERLEYAlbert HenryNelson st, 21shopkeeper
APPERLEYSir AlfredRodborough courtJP
APPERLEYAlexander CooperPark rd, Brunswick Housethere in 1911 census
APPERLEYCharles AlfredRodborough courtJP
Apperley, Curtis & Co LtdDudbridge millswoollen cloth manufacturers
APPERLEYEbenezerEbley: Ebley house
ARCHERJohn FieldBowbridge, Stafford Cottage not there in 1911 census
ARMITAGEErnestCainscross rd, Downfield Houseland steward to Lady Dorington
ARNOLDW HThreadneedle st, 2Customs & Excise officer, 2nd class
Arnold(from) Rowcroftcarrier to Nailsworth (12, 3, 5, 7pm)
& to Woodchester (daily)
ASHMEADJohn EdridgeLansdownlibrarian, Free Library
ASHMEADRose (Miss)London rd, Frome houseservants' registry
BACKHOUSEHerbert AMiddle st, 2fancy repository
BADDELEYWelbore St ClairCastle Hale, PainswickJP
Bailey, S G & Co LtdLondon rd, Stafford Millspaint and varnish manufacturers
BAILEYAlbertBellevue rdsanitary inspector, Stroud RDC
Baker, J & Sons LtdHigh st, 1bootmakers
BAKERAlfredLondon rd, 38
BAKERFrederick William StanderwickLondon rdpicture frame maker
Ball, Smith & PlayneGeorge stsolicitors
BALLAlfred John MortonGeorge st;
The Green [h]
solicitor; Coroner;
Registrar and County Court High Bailiff
(firm of Ball, Smith & Playne)
BALLJohn Raymond MortonGeorge st;
Wallbridge (depot)
solicitor; UDC member
Capt, Glos & Worcs Army Service Corps
BALLElizabeth (Mrs)Tower Hill, 4confectioner
BALLJames [1 of 2?]Nelson st, 25fishmonger
BALLJames [1 of 2?]Tower Hill, 18greengrocer
BANNISTERWilliam CharlesStratford rd, Swiss villa
BARBOSAAntonio CBisley rd, York Lodge not there in 1911 census
BARNARDColin JohnEbley: Holly Tree housemill furnisher
BARNESCharlesSpringfield rd, Cotswold villa
BARNESWilliam HChapel st, 10beer retailer
BARTLETTWilliam GeorgeTower Hill, 77beer retailer
BASSETTIra JamesEbleyoil merchant
Baxter & Stephenshop merchants
Baxter, Nathaniel & SonSlad rdbuilders
Baxter, W & SonsLower stpainters
BAXTERMrsAcre st, Acre Hill house
BAXTERNathanielUplands, Northfield
BAXTERSidneySlad rd, Woodfield cottage
BAXTERWalterCastle st, 10
BAXTERWynne Edwin, JPBisley rd, The Granvilles his wife Kate had inherited the house from her aunt
Ann PARSONS. The BAXTERs were in London in 1911.
BEALEMiss Dorothea, BACainscross rd, DownfieldHead, High School for Girls
BEARDAlbert HarryKendrick st;
Bisley rd, Belle Vue villa [h]
Superintendent, Britannic Assurance Co;
same home in 1911 census
BEARDWilliam EdwardLondon rd, Frome housecarpenter
Bell & CoHigh st, 56linen drapers
BELLJamesLower st, 35shopkeeper
BELLJohn CHigh st, 28butcher
BELL-MARSHALLMark BellWood Thorpe, near StroudJP
BENNETTAlbert CharlesSummer stfarmer
BENNETTArthur FrederickGloucester st, 1 & 2innkeeper, Ye Old Painswick Inn
BENNETTFrancis HenryCashes Green: Post Officeshopkeeper; sub-postmaster
BERRYMANMrsSlad rd, Uplands cottage
BIGGSJames BoultonBadbrook, County Police station Police Superintendent
BIGNELLThomasBowbridge Lanebaker there in 1911 census
Billett & CoRussell st, 5hatter
Bill Posting Co LtdHigh st, Exchange bldgsbillposters
BINGHAMDavid HenryMiddle st, 62confectioner
BIRDGeorgeSpringfield rd, Clifton villas
BIRDJosephLower st, Berkeley villas, 1
BIRTA & L (Misses)Bisley rd, Argyle villas, 1costumiers on Horns rd with father Henry in 1911
BIRTGeorgeSpringfield rd, Clifton villasUDC member
BISHOPCorneliusParliament st, 59cabinet maker
BISHOPGeorge HenryParliament st, 58grocer
BISHOPHenryChapel st, 28cabinet maker
BISHOPMissLondon rd, Castledene
BISHOPMrsLondon rd, Brick House
BISHOPWilliam HillLondon rd, Arundell Mill;
Park rd, Richmond house [h]
wool dyer, see GYDE, BISHOP & Co
same home in 1911 census
BISHOPWilliam HGloucester st, 16fishmonger and game dealer
BLAKEMiss FannyCastle st schoolmistress, infant school
BLAKEYArthur JamesCainscross: The Vines
BLANCHHenry AlbertPaganhill, Hillfield
Boots Cash Chemist (Western) LtdRussell st, 23pharmacy [TN:101]
BOUGHTONEdward WilliamHigh st, 44innkeeper, Corn Exchange
Bown & CoLansdownsteam mineral water manufactory (est 1836);
soda, seltzer, lemonade, gingerade [TN:142X2]
BOWNJohn HenryLansdown
BOWNJosephSlad rd, 42
BRADSHAWJamesHigh st, 43;
High st, 27
fried fish shop;
fruit merchant
BREWERHenry JesseStratford rd, Edelweiss
BREWERMrsLansdown, 52
BRINKWORTHGeorgeCastle st, Castle villas, 4
BRINKWORTHMargaret (Mrs)Whitehall, 7baker and post office
BROWNHenryEbleybeer retailer
BROWNINGEdwinStratford rd
BROWNINGFrancis JosephStratford rd, Ivydene
BROWNINGHenry CharlesGloucester st, 17butcher
BROWNINGRobert ERussell st, 5fruiterer
BROWNINGWilliam JBisley rd, The Limes, 1there in 1911 census
BROWNJOHNCharlesParliament st, 54bootmaker
BRUTONAlfred WilliamStratford rd
BRYANTEbenezerLansdown, 40
BRYANTJohnGeorge st, 4antique furniture dealer
BUCHANANErnestPark rd, Grosvenor housethere in 1911 census
BURDOCKMrsCastle st, Castle villas, 5
BURGHOPEHarryUplands, Claremont villas, 2
BURRHarold RobertGeorge st, 5pianoforte dealer
BURRUSSamuelParliament st, 1chimney sweep
BURTONAlfredGeorge st, 22watchmaker
BUSCOMBJohnLansdown, 14 [h]vetinary surgeon; [TN:52; TA:Buscomb,Stroud]
inspector, GlosCC & Board of Agriculture; UDC member
Butcher & CoLansdown, 22milliners
BUTCHERHarrySummer sttailor
BUTCHERWilliam JohnGloucester st, 21athletic outfitter
BUTLANDWilliam EdwardStroud End school;
Slad rd, 52 [h]
master, mixed school
BUTLERDaisy (Miss)Middle st, 24dressmaker
Butt, T & SonWallbridgecoal merchant
BUTTGeorgeBowbridge, Post Office grocer and post office not there in 1911
BUTTJohnDudbridgecoal merchant
BUTTJosephLondon rd, 35apartments
CAPELionelHigh stCapital & Counties Bank manager;
treasurer, Guardians & RDC Stroud and Wheatenhurst
CAPELWilliam, Lieut-ColThe GroveJP
Carey, T & SonsNelson st, 8greengrocer
Carpenter LtdCainscrossbrewers & maltsters
CARRAlbert EdwardCainscross: Oxford villa
CARUTHERS-LITTLEJohn Caruthers, Lieut-ColPitchcombe, StroudJP
Carter & BrotheridgeRowcroft, 8accountants, auctioneers, valuers, estate agents [TN:211]
CARTERCharles AshmanRowcroft, 8chartered accountant; UDC member
CARTERHarry CharlesLower st, 8baker
CASSACCASylvesterGloucester st, 8hardware dealer
CETTAGiovanniHigh st, 4ahardware dealer
CHAMBERSMrs CarolineCainscrossshopkeeper
CHAMBERSFrancis AlfredBowbridge, The Elms not there in 1911 census
CHAMBERSJoseph WilliamLondon rd, 31apartments
CHAMBERSWilliam BanksHigh st, 11chemist
CHAMBERSWilliam ClutterbuckBowbridge, Thrupp housewool and cloth dyer
not there in 1911 census
CHAMPIONLlewellynKendrick st, 16auctioneer, see DAVIS, CHAMPION
CHANDLERMrs RoseCainscrossinnkeeper, White Horse Inn
CHANDLERThomasBath placeshopkeeper
CHAPMANAlfred ErnestNelson st, 22innkeeper, Duke of York
CHAPMANGeorge ThomasGloucester st, 4blacksmith
CHAPPELLJohn HenryBisley Old rdshopkeeper
CHEATLEHerbert John, Rev, BAOld Chapel st;
Bisley rd, Granville villas, 1 [h]
Congregational minister; there in 1911 census
Chew, Thomas L
& Sons
King st, 8manufacturing & furnishing ironmongers;
mediaeval & art metalwork, iron casement mkr, hot water & horticultural engrs, gas fitters, plumbers, general smiths
Cheltenham ChronicleGloucester st, 9aweekly newspaper
CHIDGEYJospeh CMidland railwaystation master
CHURCHESArchibaldEbleyhair dresser
CHURCHESAlfred LeonardSlad rd, 134tailor
CHURCHILLAlice (Mrs)Union stinnkeeper, Swan
CLARKCaroline (Miss)Lansdown, 51music teacher
CLARKCyrusCainscross rd, Ivanhoe villas
CLARKHenry WalterGeorge st, 1 & 2drapers
CLARKMissTrinity rd
Clarke, L E & SonsPaganhillcardboard box makers
CLARKEJamesDudbridgebeer retailer
CLARKEMary (Mrs)Parliament stbaker
Clarke(from) George stcarrier to Chalford (daily)
CLARKEWilliam JamesAcre st, 46carpenter
CLIFTAlfred JohnRowcroft, 3woollen and manchester warehouseman
CLISSOLDHedleyHigh st, 33confectioner
Clutterbuck, Richard & SonsHigh st, 14furniture broker
CLUTTERBUCKLilian (Miss)Middle st, 32private school
CLUTTERBUCKRichardNelson st, Nelson house
CLUTTERBUCKSamuel RichardHigh st, 39china and glass dealer
Cobden Patent Flour CoSlad rd, 135flour merchants
COCKETTEdward J GThreadneedle st, 2Customs & Excise Supervisor
COLBOURNEEliza (Mrs)Gloucester st, 11dining rooms
COLESHectorLondon rd, 55branch office manager, Gloucester Citizen newspaper
Coley, S J LtdHigh st, 57; King st, 24chemist [TN:12]
COLEYJ W ErnestCainscrosschemist
COLEYSamuel JamesCastle st, Castle villas, 2
COLLEDGEThomas CharlesLansdown, 15dentist, LDS (Glas) [TN:30]
COLLINSJackSlad rd, Badbrook villa
COLLINSWalter HKing st, 11;
Beeches Grn, Meldon terr, 5 [h]
Deputy Registrar of marriages
COLLINSWilliamKing st, 11printer, stationer, Registrar of marriages
COLLINSONGeorge WaltonRussell st;
Bisley rd, Granville villas, 2 [h]
not there in 1911 census
COMLEYHenry JRussell st, 10photographer
CONROYEdwardBeeches Green, Meldon terr, 2
COODEClaud Lionel, MB, BCh (Oxon), MRCS (Eng)London rd, Carlton househon. asst. surgeon, Stroud hospital
COOKJohn KendleSlad rd, 21
Cooke, A S & SonPaganhillbuilders, contractors, monumental masons,
ecclesiastical work a speciality
COOKEDorcas (Mrs)Paganhillshopkeeper
COOPERHenryLondon rd, 32apartments
COOPERJohn WestHorns rd, Westford housethere in 1911 census
Copeland-Chatterson Co LtdDudbridgeoffice requisites
CORDEUXMissPark rdat Hazelmere in 1911 census
CORDWELLEmily (Mrs)Bowbridgegrocer not there in 1911 census
CORDWELLLionel CHamwell LeazeVaccination Officer
Cordwell & SonsCainscross: Hamwell Leaze brewerybrewers
Cotswold Stores LtdHigh st, 23grocers
County CourtTown Hall offices(Alfred John Morton BALL, registrar & high bailiff)
County Police StationBadbrookSuperintendent: James Bolton BIGGS
COURTWalter CharlesNelson st, 12painter
COWARDCharles WilliamHigh st, 2tailor
COWARDMrsHorns rd, Park viewat The Laurels in 1911 –swap?
COXAlbert HenryBisley rd, Granville villas, 4coal merchant see DICKINSON & COX
there in 1911 census
COXMrsBisley rd, Rougemontthere in 1911 census
COXReginaldBisley rd, Grasmerethere in 1911 census
COXRichard EdwinGeorge st, 3tailor
Cratchley BrosRussell stmonumental masons
CRATCHLEYFrancisMiddle st, 77monumental mason
CRATCHLEYWilliamGloucester st, 12innkeeper, Greyhound
CREEDYWilliamBisley rd, Richmond villastailor there in 1911 census [No 3]
CROCKETTWilliam HubertEbleyshopkeeper
Croome(from) Royal George tapcarrier to Eastington (daily)
CROSBYHenry (Harry) Man, MBCastle st, Corbett housephysician and surgeon;
surgeon, Stroud Hospital
CULLIMOREHenryDownfieldhay dealer
CURTISCharlesCainscross: Field house
CURTISJohnChapel st, 73beer retailer
Customs & Excise officeThreadneedle st, 2(supervisor: Edward J G COCKETT)
Dale, Forty & CoKing st, 14pianoforte dealer
Damsell & SonsParliament stfish dealers
DANGERFIELDJohn HGloucester st, 5beer retailer
DANGERFIELDThomasGloucester st, 5;
Park rd, Surrey lodge [h]
carrier and furniture remover; UDC member
carrier to Gloucester (daily) & Stonehouse (daily)
says London rd in 1911 census
DANIELSWilliam RichardPaganhillinnkeeper, Rose Inn
DANIELSWilliamMiddle st, 75watchmaker
DARKEMrsCainscross: Ashley place, 3
DAVIESAlbert Barnes, MRCS (Eng), LRCP (Edin)Cainscross rd, Dirleton house surgeon; hon surgeon, Stroud hospital
DAVIESAlbertBisley rd, Tynewaldthere in 1911 census
DAVIESAlbert JohnCainscrossbeer retailer
DAVIESEdwardEbleyinnkeeper, Lamb Inn
DAVIESJames WilliamStratford rd, The Elms
DAVIESJamesRussell stinnkeeper, Railway hotel
DAVIESMiss SpryCainscross: Elmfield house
Davis & ChampionKendrick st, 16auctioneers, surveyors, estate agents, valuers [TN:75]
DAVISAlfredUnion st, 6hairdresser
Davis, J(from) Imperial hotelcarrier to Nailsworth (twice daily)
DAVISCharles Alfred, RevJohn stBaptist minister
DAVISEdward CharlesRowcroft;
Bisley rd, Camden Lodge [h]
solicitor; perpetual commissioner & commissioner for oaths; clerk to Justices & to Commissioners of Taxes
not there in 1911 census
DAVISJoseph ThomasHigh st, 21rope and twine maker
DAVISMiss Mabel MildrenEbleyCMB maternity nurse
DAVISRichard MilesEbleyshoe maker
DEEAlbert JohnCainscrossmaster, public elementary school
DEMMERYSamuelCainscrossshoe maker
DENNISThomas, Col.SgtBath st, drill instructor, C Co, 5th Territorial Force Battn, Glos Regt
DERRETTJohn GeorgeEbley: Byron villa
DEVLINJamesSlad rd, 45
Dickinson & CoxRussell stcoal merchants [TN:147X]
DICKINSONJosephDown Farm
Domestic Bazaar CoKing st, 22household goods
DOXSEYHorace GChurch st schoolmaster, boys' school
DRINKWATERJosephSlad rd, Stubton house
Dudbridge & CoMiddle st, 30builders
Dudbridge, S J & SonsLansdown, 8incorporated accountants
Dudbridge Iron Works LtdDudbridgegas engine manufacturers
DUDBRIDGEJohn StephenLansdown, 8public auditor; UDC member
DUDBRIDGEJohnSpringfield rd, Magdala villas
DUDBRIDGESidneyLansdown, 8
DUNHAMCharles, RevBisley rd, The Limes, 2clergy not there in 1911 census
Eastmans LtdHigh st, 45; Kendrick st, 7; & Cainscrossbutchers
EDENCharlesMiddle st, 25
EDMONDSAlfredLondon rd, 49florist
Edwards & BairdRussell st, 17artificial teeth makers
EDWARDSMrsBisley rd, El Teb cottagethere in 1911 census
ELLIOTTEdward JamesCastle st, Surrey house
ELLIOTTFrankSlad rdbeer retailer
ELLIOTTGeorge ORussell st, Holloway Instituteassessor & collector of income tax;
secretary, Mid-Glos Conservative and Unionist Club
ELLIOTTJoseph HenryWallbridgeinnkeeper, Bell
ELWESH CSlad rd, Drill hallMajor, 2-i-c, Glos Yeomanry Territorials
ENGLISHMrsLondon rd, 53
Evans & CoHigh st, 49drapers
FACEWatson JCainscross rd, Ivycot
FAIRLEYRobert, RevParliament stminister, Primitive Methodist chapel
Fawkes & WhitehallRussell st, 15shipping and freight agents [TN:102]
Fawkes BrosTown flour mills millers, seed and animal cake merchants
[TN:60, TA:Fawkes Brothers, Stroud]
Fawkes storesKendrick st, 8 & 9;
High st, Stonehouse
grocers, provision, ale, stout, wine & spirit merchants,
tea dealers, coffee roasters [TN:84]
FAWKESArthur F LSlad rd, The Cottage
FAWKESFrederickBisley rd, Belsize villathere in 1911 census
FAWKESHedley VictorWhitehall, 5
FAWKESLouis EdwardWhitehall, 5
FAWKESM (Mrs)Kendrick st, 1 & 2glass and china dealer
FAWKESMrs SylvanusDownfield, The Laurels
FAWKESWalter ThomasCainscrossjoiner
FAYERMarkSlad rd, Grantham villas, 2
FIELDJohnMiddle st, 44chimney sweep
FIELDINGMissLansdown, Togo lodge
FINIGANThomasBisley rd, Enderleyat 1 The Sycamores in 1911
Fire Brigade (UDC)Market placeThomas WASHBOURNE, captain
Fire Brigade (Volunteer)Market placePhilip FORD, captain
FISHERAlfredTower hill, 62beer retailer
FISHERCharles, MajorCastle st, The CastleMajor
FISHERMrsBisley rd, Rock villathere in 1911 census
FLETCHERElizabeth (Miss)Uplands, Moss villa apartments
Fletcher, W & R Lim.Kendrick st, 10butchers
FOOTEFrankBeeches Green, Meldon Terr, 1
FORBESEllen (Mrs)Lansdown, 26milliner
FORDFrankSlad rd, Stratton villas, 1
Ford, Philip & SonSlad rdbuilders [TN:142X]
FORDPhilip H RHigh st, Market place;
Slad rd, Kingston house [h]
Fire Brigade Volunteers captain; UDC member
FORDRowlandSlad rd, 148shopkeeper & sub-post office
Foster Bros Clothing
Co Ltd
High st, 6clothiers
FOWLERCharlesEbleyhair dresser
FOWLERGeorge EdwardKendrick st, 11confectioner
FOYLETomHigh st, 26drapers
FRANKLANDJohn Naylor, MA, DScLondon rd, Marling Schoolhead master
Franklin & SonNelson st, 27shoemakers
FRANKLINJeremiah WilliamEbleyfishmonger
Freebury, P & CoLondon rd, 3stone engravers
FREEMANJamesDudbridge: Scarborough house
FREEMANRobert WakefieldRussell st, 20hatter and hosier
Freeman(from) Swancarrier to Bisley-w-Lypiatt (F, Sa, 5pm)
FRYERMarkSlad rd, Grantham villas, 2
FUGEWilliam GeorgeSlad rd, Rockville, 1
FULLERJ WThreadneedle st, 2Customs & Excise officer, 2nd class
GARDINERFrederick EdwardTower hill, 47fried fish shop; UDC member (?)
Gardner & SonsKing st, 6 & London rdbuilders and decorators
GARDNERCharles BKing st, 13hatter
GARDNERCharles BurghopeLower st, Castle Bank
GARDNERJames WilliamSlad rd, Stratton villas, 2
GARDNERJohnBellevue rd, Priory house
GARDNERMrsLansdown, 50
GARRETTEdwardHigh st, 34shopkeeper
GARRETTMissBisley rd, Devon cottages, 2there in 1911 census
GASKINSWilliamCainscrosshay & straw dealer
GASKINSWilliam ArthurEbley
GAYThomasCainscrossblacksmith & shopkeeper
General HospitalTrinity rdsurgeons: Albert Barnes DAVIES LRCP Lond, Alfred W WALLER MD, Harry Man CROSBY MB CM Durh; hon asst surgeon: Claud Lionel COODE MB Oxon MRCS Eng; matron: Miss E G HOLMES
Gerard, WMidland railway stationparcels agent
GIBBONSWilliamSlad rd, 90tailor
GILLERGeorge S Upper Birches
GILMANWilliam HobbsKing st, 3hatter and hosier
Gloucester Citizen branch officeLondon rd, 55daily newspaper; manager: Hector COLES
Gloucestershire Echo
branch office
Gloucester st, 9anewspaper; local manager: Ralph HOULDEY
Gloucester Laundry Co LtdSlad rdlaundry
Gloucestershire Yeomanry
(Royal Glos Hussars)
Slad rd, drill hallTerritorial Force (B Sqdn);
Maj W H PLAYNE, commander;
Squad Sgt-Maj Harry SWABY, drill instructor
GODDARDWilliamCainscross rd, Lower Gannicox
Godsell & Sons LtdPainswick rd, Salmon Springs brewerybrewers and wine and spirit merchants
[TN:10, TA:Godsell, Stroud]
GODSELLEdward FrederickUpper Leazesinnkeeper, Horse & Groom
GODSELLEdwardCainscross: Cainscross house
GODSELLEdward SPainswick rd, Salmon's house
GODSELLGeorge WilliamFolly Lane, The GrangeUDC chairman
GODSELLJames UriahStratford rd, Stratford CourtUDC member
GODSELLMrs JStratford rd, Stratford Courthon. rep, Shipwrecked Fishermen
& Mariners' Royal Benevolent Soc
GODSELLMissPainswick rd, Salmon's house
GODSELLRichard ThomasSlad rd, Springbank
GOULDCharles SamuelSlad rd, Iona house
GOWERHenry Harrison, RevCastle st;
Field rd, Epworth lodge [h]
Wesleyan minister not there in 1911
GRAHAMWalterEbley: Ebley court
GRAINGERPercyRussell stpianoforte dealer
GRAYAda (Mrs)Lansdown, 20apartments
GREENMrsCainscross rd, Prospect house
GREENReginald, MD, DHy, DPH (Durh)Stratford rd, Stratford lawnMedical Officer of Health for Stroud UDC & RDC
& Nailsworth [TN:109]
GREVILLEEdward CEbleygrocer
GRISTMiss EmilyParliament st schoolmistress, infants' school
Gyde, Bishop & CoLondon rd, Arundell Millwool dyers
HAGUEAnnie Esther (Miss)Nelson st, 17florist
HALEEdward TLondon rd, 13innkeeper, Sun Dial
HALFORDEdward JohnBisley rd, Oakleigh not there in 1911 census
HALLCharlesHigh st, 51innkeeper, Bedford Arms
HALLIDAYWilliamUplands, Middle stdecorator
HALLOWSEunice (Mrs)Lower st, 14shopkeeper
HALLOWSRalphclerk, County Court
HALPINEdward Charles, RevBeeches Green, The PresbyteryCatholic clergyman
HAMMONDThomasGloucester st, 18watchmaker
HAMMONDWilliamCainscrossgardener to Edward Godsell Esq
HANBIDGESamuel RightonBisley rd, 37, Mansfieldthere in 1911 census
HARDYHenry Louis Preston, LRCP, MRCS Eng, MD Brux, LSA Lond, DPH LondRowcroft, 11surgeon; Certifying Factory Surgeon;
surgeon to Board of Education
HARMERRaymond JamesNelson st, 20hair dresser
HARPERFrederick JamesCainscross: Milton house
HARPERGeorge EdwardPagan hillbuilder
Harper, James & Sons LtdEbleycider merchants
HARRISArthurGeorge stresident manager, Subscription Rooms
HARRISEHigh st, 7picture frame maker
HARRISONGeorge EdwardBisley rd, Darlington villaLiberal agent, family there in 1911 census
HARRISONWalter GeorgeChurchfield rdcoach painter etc
HAWKINSBenjamin jun.Bisley Old rdbeer retailer & shopkeeper
HAWKINSEdward Hugh, Rev, MAWhitehall, Holy Trinity VicarageVicar of Holy Trinity;
chaplain to the Workhouse
HAWKINSFrederickHigh St, 4 & 5grocer
HAWKINSMrs WilliamCainscross: Westripbeer retailer
HAYNESJamesSummer st, 2innkeeper, Cross Hands
HAYNESJosiah EJohn st, Union officessurveyor to RDC
HEELASArchibald Hay GrantRowcroft, 10solicitor
HEALYMissUplands, York villas, 2
HeydenJesse(from) Royal George tapcarrier to Miserden (Tu, F, 4pm)
HERBERTWilliam HawkinsPainswick, Paradise houseJP
HICKSWilliamBisley rd, Clwyd villas, 2 family there in 1911 census
High School for GirlsDownfieldMistress: Miss Dorothea BEALE, BA
HILLGWallbridgeCSM, Glos & Worcs Army Service Corps
Hill BrosGeorge st, 15watch makers
Hill, Paul & CoCheapside Workswholesale clothiers
Hill & Son LtdKing St, 1ironmongers
HILLEsther (Mrs)Callowell Farmfarmer
HILLG, Sgt-MajWallbridgeTerritorial Army instructor
Hillier's Bacon Curing Co LtdHigh st, 16provision merchants
Hilton, Stephen & SonsHigh st, 64boot makers
HIRONMrsSlad rd, Tower house
HOBBSAlfred JosephUpper Springfield rd, Lynton villa
HOBBSWalterGeorge st, 24; Lansdown, 24 [h]confectioner; UDC member
HOGGAdolphusBisley Old Rdbeer retailer & shopkeeper
HOGGAlbertBisley Rdbeer retailer
HOLBOROWMrsBowbridge Lane, The Fieldthere in 1911 census
HOLBROWLewinWallbridge, 6 & 7beer retailer
HOLDERWatson GParliament st, 53beer retailer
HOLLANDCharles WilliamLansdown, 4;
Bisley Rd, Lypiatt Villas, 3 [h]
assistant overseer & collector of poor rates for Stroud and Thrupp; Deputy Registrar of births & deaths
HOLLANDEdwardBisley Rd, Lypiatt Villas, 1Registrar of births & deaths;
relieving officer No 1 Dist Stroud Union
HOLLANDEdwinLansdown, 4; Stratford rd [h]vestry clerk
HOLLANDGeorge EdwardMerrywalks, Mill housebrewer's traveller
HOLLIDAYHorace CecilAcre st, 42beer retailer
HOLLIDAYMargaret (Mrs)Acre st, 3model lodging house
Holloway Bros LtdThreadneedle st; Kendrick stwholesale clothiers
Holloway InstituteRussell st
HOLLOWAYGeorge JohnMerrywalks, The HillUDC member
HOLLOWAYHenryWhitehall, 2
HOLMESMiss E GTrinity rdmatron, Stroud Hospital
HOLMESJoseph RobertSlad rd, Grantham villas
HOLTHAMMrsEbley: Devonia villa
Home & Colonial Stores LtdHigh st, 62provision merchants
Home for Crippled ChildrenBadbrook houseunder management of Catholic Convent of St Rose
HOMERGeorge James WoodGeorge stmanager: Wilts & Dorset Banking Co Ltd
HOOKThomas HenryUplands, Prospect villas, 1
HOOPERAlbert EdwardGeorge st, 7cycle agent
HOOPERDanielMiddle st, 9furniture broker
HOOPERHenry AlbionMiddle st, 48cycle maker
HOOPERHerbertRussell st, 9draper
HOOPERWilliam HenryBisley rd, Hill House farmfarmer
HORDERArthur AHigh st, 17-20draper & milliner
HORRELLFrederick GeorgeLansdownhead master, (art dept), Technical schools
Horwood & CoGeorge st, 10fancy repository
HORWOODJohnTower hill, 6shopkeeper
HORWOODMarkTrinity rd
HOSKINSAlbert JosephCainscross rd, Willowdene
HOULDEYRalphGloucester st, 9abranch manager, Gloucestershire Echo
Hound Brand Works LtdSlad rdmanufacturing clothiers
HOWARDMissesBeeches Green
HOWARDMaj-Gen Sir Francis, KCB, CMGPainswick, Castle GodwynJP
HOWELLEdwin CharlesHigh st, 46; London rd, 41 [h]gasfitter
HOWELLFrankBisley rd, 30, Tilburythere in 1911 census
HOWELLTomNelson st, 7sign writer
HUDSONBramwellCainscross rd, Fromedale
HUGHESAlfred SCainscross rd, The Firs
HUGHESGeorge EdwinHigh st, 63;
Bisley rd, Parkstone villa [h]
there in 1911 census
Humphries & CoSlad rdwoollen cloth manufacturer
HUNTHenryUnion st, 5watch maker
Hunt(from) Swancarrier to Bisley-w-Lypiatt (daily, 1.30pm)
Huntley & CoSlad rdcloth merchants
HUTTONMrsBisley rd, 39, Bidefordthere in 1911 census
HUTCHINGSHaroldGloucester st, 7hair dresser
HYAMElizabeth (Mrs)Tower hill, 3common lodging house
HYDEArthurChapel st, 31beer retailer & shopkeeper
HYETTMiss EmmaCainscrossstationer & Post office
HYETTFrancis Adams, BAPainswick Housechairman of JPs
Hyslop & CoHigh st, 9opticians
ILESArthurEbleybeer retailer
Imperial Hotelproprietress: Mrs Frances Tealor LAWSON
IREDALEJamesPark rd, Landourthere in 1911 census
IRELANDGeorge WilliamGloucester stbeer retailer
Ireland, M E(from) George hotel tapcarrier to Painswick (daily) & Sheepscombe (F, Sa)
IRELANDSidneyAcre st, 28, & Wallbridgeboot maker
ISACKEMiss Rose StellaStratford rdladies school
JACKSONFrederick EdwardSummer st, 70shopkeeper
JAGGERJohn EdwinNelson st, 1restaurant
James, George H,
& Owen Ltd
Russell st, 14; High st, 52booksellers, stationers, printers, office equipment, typewriters & lithographers
JAQUESEdwardGeorge st, 16dairy
JEFFERIESCharles RichardEbley: Clifton villa
JEFFERIESHenryEbleyseedsman & haulier; beer retailer;
asst overseer & collector of poor rates, Stroud union
JEFFERIESMary E (Mrs)Springfield rdshopkeeper & post office
JEFFERIESMiss Mary JaneCainscross: Westripshopkeeper
JEFFERIESRichardCainscrossbrake & fly proprietor
JEFFERIESRichardEbley: Clare villa
Jefferies, Samuel & SonsDudbridgebrick manufacturers
JENNINGSJamesBisley Old rdgrocer
JOELHerbert CecilHolloway Institute;
Slad rd, 50 [h]
chief agent & secretary to Mid-Gloucestershire Conservative & Unionist Association
Johnson Bros (Dyers) LtdHigh st, 3adyers & cleaners
JOHNSONArthurGeorge st, 25 & 26draper
JOHNSONRichard Leslie Pitt, Rev, BAUplands, All Saints' parsonagecurate
JONESAlfredLondon rd, 50commercial traveller
JONESThomas HenryMiddle st, 5grocer
JONESWilliam ThomasHorns rdinnkeeper, Crown & Sceptre
KALLENDKatherine (Mrs)Nelson st, 15dress maker
KARNDickHigh st, 36innkeeper, Crown
KELLYMrsBeeches Green, The Rosary
KIMMINSJames Charles CleggRyeford hallJP
Kimmins, Drew & Co LtdDudbridgemillers (water)
KINGAlfredBisley rd, there in 1911 censusSuperintendent, Stroud cemetery
KINGBertram FrederickHigh st, 44hair dresser
KINGElijahEbleyinsurance agent
KNEEHenryBisley Old rdshopkeeper
KNEEThomasAcre st, The Acre
KNIGHTRichardSwan lanebrazier
Knight & CoEbleycorn merchants
LAIDLAWJohnHigh st, 22baker
LAMBArthurCainscross: Westripbeer retailer
LAMBERTCharlesLondon rd, 36 &
Great Western Station yard
coal merchant; UDC vice-chairman
LAMBOURNHenryBeeches Green, Meldon terr, 4
Land Valuation OfficeLansdowndistrict valuer: G S GILLER
LANEGeorge41 High stKing's Head PH
LARNERCharlesinsurance suptSlad rd, Acton house
LAVERICKJohnEbley: York cottage
LAWSONFrances Tealor (Mrs)Imperial hotel Imperial family residential & commercial hotel; motor accommodation; billiards; posting &c; all modern improvements
LAWSONVincent Alexander, AMInstCE17 Rowcroftcivil engineer, architect, surveyor & valuer
LEEEmma (Mrs)15 Wallbridge shopkeeper
LEEErnest JamesHorns rd, The Laurelsironmonger see Smith & Lee
at Park View in 1911 – swap?
LEEJames8 London rd 29 High st stationer; news agent; confectioner
LEETHannah (Mrs)78 Tower hillshopkeeper
LEICESTERJamesThe Slad The Vatch houseHM inspector of schools for Gloucestershire
LENDONIsaac1 London rdcoach builder
Lennards Ltd3 Kendrick stboot & shoe makers
Lewis & Godfrey LimitedKing st, 27-30 & Russell st 1-2general drapers
LEWISFanny (Mrs)23 Nelson stshopkeeper
LIBBYGeorgeGreat Western railwaystation master
Lipton Ltd65 High stgrocers & provision merchants
Little & WhittinghamRowcroft, 2solicitors
LITTLEEdward PallingRowcroft, 2solicitor & commissioner for oaths
(firm Little & Whittingham)
LITTLEFrederick ArthurWoodchester, Atcombe courtJP
LITTLEJamesDudbridge: Railway Stationstation master
LITTLEWOODHenry Charles, Rev, MASlad rd, The Woodlandsclergyman
LLEWELLYNHenry27 High stfishmonger
Lloyds Bank LtdKing st (George Foster ABELL, manager)
open daily 10-3; Th 10-1 ; F 10-4
LONGCharlesWallbridgeinnkeeper, Ship inn
LONGFORDFrederick WilliamEbley: Tetbury cottage
LONGFORDThomasParliament stbaker & shopkeeper
LLOYDJohn LewisBeeches Green, Coopers hill
LLOYDWalterBisley rd, Seymour lodge
LUCASPercy32 High sthair dresser
LUGGRalph JohnCainscross rd, Cora Lynn
LUKERWilliam Henry9 Cainscross rdbeer retailer
LUNNBasil FernieBisley Old rd, Cairngall not there in 1911 census
LUPSONPhilipBeeches Green, Meldon terr, 3
Luscombe & Son6 George stportmanteau makers
LUSCOMBEEdmundSlad rd, Rockville, 2
LUSTYFrankSlad rd, Wade's farmfarmer
LUSTYFredk CharlesBisley rd, Lippiatt villas, 8tailor
LUSTYMrsBisley rd, Sycamore villas, 1widow at No 2 in 1911 census
LUSTYStephenUplands rd, Lorne villas, 2
McKELLARDaniel JnrBowbridge Lane, Berkshire housethere in 1911 census
McMEEKANMaj Francis H F RBisley, Water lane houseJP
McSHANEJames LionelGloucester st, 19draper
MABBETTMrsCainscross rd, Lyndhurst
MABBETTEbenezerCainscross: Brand villa
MABBETTWilliam MosleysCainscrossbutcher
MALLETTAdolphus GeorgeMiddle st, Uplandsshopkeeper & beer retailer
MALLETTGeorge ErnestJohn st, 2; & Cainscrosshair dresser
MARCHANTAaron BenjaminHigh st, 12innkeeper, White Lion
MARGETSONWilliamDownfield, Brightside
MARKLOVEJohn Carrington BCCantab, MBCSEng, LRCPLondLansdown, 18; Lansdown, 28 [h]physician & surgeon
MARKSHarryJohn st;
Bisley rd, Fernleigh [h]
deputy Supt Registrar of births deaths & marr
there in 1911 census
Marling & Co LtdEbley: Ebley & Stanley millsworsted manufacturers
Marling SchoolCainscross rdhead master: John Naylor FRANKLAND MA DSc
Marsh BrothersBowbridge lanebakers
MARSHFrankHigh st, 30saddler
MARSHALLArthurLansdown, 21, Brandon
MARSHALLPeter HenryStratford rd, Woolacombe
MARTINJohn Middleton, MDThe Chestnutsthere in 1911 census
MARTINRobert BallAcre st, 11fishmonger
MARTINRobert ButtCainscross: Westrip, The Croftfarmer
MASLINFrank CDownfield, Cartref
MASSEY-DAWSONMrsSlad rd, Coombe bank
MATTHEWSGeorge Arthur AugustusPaganhill, Farm Hill house
MATTHEWSWilliam HenryEbleyblacksmith
MAYThomasParliament stbeer retailer
Maynards LimitedHigh st, 10confectioners
Maypole Dairy Co LtdHigh st, 60butter merchants
MAZZUCCHISofia (Mrs)Union st, 2confectioner
MEADOWSFrederick WilliamCainscrosscycle agent
Merrett BrothersRussell stphotographers
MERRETTFrederick WmNelson st, 24umbrella maker
MerrettsJohn stauctioneers, valuers, land & estate agents;
branch office & sale rooms
Mid-Gloucester Conservative & Unionist Club (The)Russell st, Holloway institute(Geo O ELLIOTT, sec; A R H CULLY, steward) [TN:164]
Mid-Gloucester Women's Benefit SocietyKendrick st, 14(E C HOLLAND, sec)
Mid-Gloucestershire Conservative & Unionist AssociationHolloway institute(H Cecil JOEL, chief agent & sec) [TN:171]
Mid-Gloucestershire Liberal AssociationBisley rd, Darlington villa(George E HARRISON, organising sec & registration agent)
Midland Railway Co Parcel Receiving OfficesMidland station(W GERARD, agent)
MILESONFrank William, ACPParliament st schoolmaster, school
MILLERAlfredGloucester st, 15ironmonger
MILLERAlfred JamesChurch st, 21baker
MILLERAmelia (Miss)White lodge, Cainscross rdconfr
MILLERCharles AlbertLansdown, 11cycle dealer
Mills Brothers & CoHigh st, 58 grocers & tea dealers
MILLSFrankSlad rd, 27innkeeper, Fountain
MILLSDaniel Yarnton, Rev, LThLower rd, Yarrowcurate, Parish Church
MILLSJohn EdwardEbleybuilder; innkeeper, Old Crown
MILLSJosephUplands, Clifton villas, 2
MILNESGeorge PercivalTown hall & Rowcroft, 7; Whitehall, 1 [h]civil engineer, architect & surveyor
to the Urban District Council
Milward & Sons LimitedHigh st, 59boot makers
MOFFATTMrs E JSlad rd, Deepdene
MOODYFrederick WalkerRussell st, 13fishmonger
MOOREWilliamAcre st, 23corn merchant
MOOREErnest WBisley rd, The Limes, 3 not there in 1911 census
MORGANAlfred EdwardChurch stinnkeeper, Lamb Hotel
MORGANSamuel, RevWhitehallcurate, Holy Trinity Church
MORTIMERThomasStratford rd, Park View house
MORTON BALLGeorge stsolicitor - see Alfred John Morton BALL
MOURBEYThomasDudbridgeshopkeeper & beer retailer
MULVANYArthurKing st, 7hair dresser
MURPHYJ H (Mrs)King st, 21confectioner
MUTTONGeorgeChapel st, 51tailor
MUTTONSamuelHorns rd, Lypiatt terrace, 6tailor
MUTTONThomasChapel st, 53tailor
MYERSMrsCastle st, Castle villas, 6
NASHMary (Mrs)Horns rdbeer retailer
NEATEThomas MartinUplands rd, Glenroy villas, 1
NEEDMargaret A (Miss)Slad rd, 20apartments
Nelson, James & Sons LimitedHigh st, 25butchers
NEWEYCaroline (Miss)London rd, 37girls school
NEWMANHenryRowcroftweigher, Public Weighbridge
NEWMANSamuel JohnGrigshotchairman, Rural District Council;
chairman of Guardians
Niblett & CoUnion stmineral water manufacturers
NIBLETTFrederick JohnCastle st, 7
NICHOLSArthurChurchfield rdcarpenter
NORRISJohn LapageLondon rd, 5 & at Stonehousesolicitor & commissioner for oaths
NORTHHenry HowardDownfield, Downfield Lodge
NORTONJames HerbertStratford rd, The Ferns
NOTTRev RobertEbleyCountess of Huntingdon
NUTTWilliam YoungKendrick stCertified Bailiff
OKEYAnne (Miss)George st, 20boot maker
OLIVERGeorgeKendrick st, 6boot & shoe maker
OLPINMrs SarahEbleygrocer; sub-postmistress;
Post & Telephone Call Office
Orchard & PeerBowbridge & at Rodborough builders & contractors, painters & plumbers [TN:186]
ORCHARDJosephTower hill, 17china & earthenware dlr
OSBORNEGeorgeTower hill, 28marine store dealer
OWENHerbert MorrisHigh st, 52printer & stationer
PARKSidney BeynonKing st, 26; George st, 28;
High st, 5;
Field rd, Highmead [h]
there in 1911 census
PARRYMrsBisley rd, Clwyd villas, 1there in 1911 census
PARSONSMrs Elizabeth(Bisley rd)matron, Workhouse
PARSONSFrancis HPagan hillbeer retailer
PARSONSLeonard(Bisley rd)master, Workhouse
PARSONSWilliamTown hallsanitary inspector to Stroud Urban District Council
PARTRIDGEGeorge WilsonMiddle st, 59greengrocer
PARTRIDGEHarriet (Mrs)Grange fieldsdairy farmer
PARTRIDGEMrsBowbridge, Bowbridge housethere in 1911 census
PATTISONBessie (Mrs)Lansdown, 5registry office for servants
PAULWilliam Henrywholesale clothier (see Hill, Paul & Co)
PAYNEGeorge Frederickaccountant (see Randall & Payne)
PAYNEWalter Richardsaccountant (see Randall & Payne)
PAYNEMissSlad rd, Ampney villa
PEACEYWilliam RFolly Lane, West Grange
Peacey(from) Railway hotelcarrier to Oakridge (M, 1.30pm)
PEACHLawrence James, RevBeeches Green, The Presbyterypriest, Our Lady of the
Immaculate Conception (Catholic)
PEARCEHenry ThomasLondon rd, 54blacksmith
PEARCEJohnRussell st, 8saddler
PEARCEO JLansdown, 2agent, Board of Trade Unemployment local office
PEARCEOrlandoCainscross rd, Belevedere
PEARCEWilliamParliament st, 55shopkeeper
Pearl Life Assurance Co LimitedGeorge st, 16F W C ROBERTS, district supt
PEERRobert Francisbuilder (see Orchard & Peer)
PEGLERHenryChurch st carrier & shopkeeper
- to Gloucester (M, W, F, Sa); to Cheltenham (Th)
& to Stonehouse (M, W, F, Sa)
PEGLERMissMiddle st, Fern Royal
PERRYLouis EdgarRowcroft, 9Certified Bailiff
PEYTONArthur CharlesSlad rd, Havelock house
PHELPSLeonard JamesUnion stinnkeeper, Union Inn
PHELPSWilliamTower hill, 46plasterer
PHILLIMOREJohnCainscrossboot maker (see Vines & Phillimore)
PHILLIMOREWilliamBowbridge Lane, Devonshire houseDaniel McKELLAR Snr there in 1911
PHILLIPSMrs LortStratford rd, Stratford Park
PHILLIPSMrs Mary MEbleydraper
PHILLIPSThomasEbley: The Ferns
PHILPOTBeatrice (Mrs)Middle st, 74shopkeeper
PHIPPSMaurice OPainswick rd, Woodville
PICKARDThomasChapel st, 19carpenter
Picture TheatreCainscrossCarlton REVELLE, manager
PINFOLDMissLansdown, 27
PITTMrs BCainscross: Ashler place
PITTFrederickEbley: Holly bank
PITTJohn GeorgeCainscrossundertaker
PITTStephen CharlesEbley: Chestnut house
Pitt BrothersEbleybuilders
PLAYNEFrancis George George stsolicitor (firm Ball, Smith & Playne)
PLAYNEW HSlad rd, Drill hallMajor, Commander, Glos Yeomanry Territorials
PLESTEDEmily E (Mrs)Nelson st, 19stationer
PLESTEDHenryGloucester st, 27grocer
PLESTEDHenry SnrSlad rd, 8
POCKETTCharlesKing stinnkeeper, The Green Dragon hotel
POOLECharlesPark rd, Southfieldthere in 1911 census
POOLEMiss L GBadbrook Cookery, Laundry & Housewifery Centremistress
Poulton & SonSlad rdbuilders
POWELLMrs AnnieCainscross: Westripfarmer
POWELLChristopherMiddle st, 46cabinet maker
POWELLGeorgeWallbridge, 11blacksmith
POWELLGeo SparkesMiddle st, 1 baker & sub-post office
POWELLHerbert AugustusCainscross: Fairlight house
POWELLWmGeorge st, 17 & Russell stinnkeeper, Post Office Inn
POWISJohn (Mrs)London rd, 51apartments
POWLESWilliamHigh st, 38butcher
PRATLEYGeorge EdwinRussell st, 4beer retailer
PRATTEdwinWallbridge, 16 & 17ironmonger
PRICEAndrew EdgarUplands, Fair View cottage
Price, John & SonLondon rdseedsmen &c
PRIDHAMWm Collier LDSLansdown, 10dental surgeon
PRIDHAMWilliam CollierLansdown, 10
PRIMAVESIFedeleUplands, Prospect villas, 2
PRINCEMrsCainscross rd, Ivanhoe villas
PRITCHARDHenryLondon rd, 15tailor
PRITCHARDWilliamMiddle st, 43apartments
PRITCHARDWilliam HenryChurch stcabinet maker
PROCTORHenry, Rev Canon, MASt Lawrence vicarageVicar of Parish Church & rural dean
PURVEYEllen (Mrs)Slad rd, 46apartments
Randall & PayneRowcroft, 6chartered accountants & auditors
RATCLIFFCharles ArthurKilminster farmSurveyor of main roads, Stroud district
RAVENErnestWallbridge, 12shopheeper
RAYGeorge Wheatcroft LDSELansdown,19dentist
REDMANGeorgeLondon rd, 32
Redman, George & SonGeorge st, 27outfitters
REEDEdwardPainswick, The RockeryJP
Revell & SonsHigh st, 66 & 67boot makers
REVELLThomas EdwardBisley rd, The Granvilles another Revell there in 1911
REVELLWalter MBisley rd, Field daleat ‘Enderley’ in 1911
REYNOLDSStephen JohnCastle st, Castle villas, 3
REYNOLDSSamuelGreat Western rdcab proprietor
RICKETTSJames WilliamRussell st, 18 & 19;
Bowbridge Lane [h]
confectioner & fruiterer
there in 1911 census
RIDLERGeorgeLower st, 61apartments
Robbins, Henry & SonEbleycider makers
ROBERTSHarryDownfield, Crafts School headmaster
Roberts W J & CoCainscrossplumbers
ROGERSEdwardEbley: Fairmount
ROGERSRoger HenryEbley: Elmlea
Rowcroft Commercial & Temperance HotelRowcroft, 9proprietor: Charles ANGELL
ROWEAlbert EdwardLondon rdhealth food stores
ROWECharles MortimerLondon rd, East Gannicox
ROWEJosiah ThomasDownfield, Ashton villa [h]coal merchant (see Wood & Rowe)
ROWLANDJohn LlewelynCainscross: The Yews
Royal George HotelKing stfamily & commercial & posting house
H HAWKINS, manager [TN:179]
Royal Liver Friendly SocietyLansdown, 56Gordon DANIELS, district manager
Ruegg & Son LimitedLansdown, 2commission agents
RUTLANDWilliam EdwardSlad rd, 52 [h]
SANDLINGJohnDudbridgebasket maker; sub-postmaster, Post office
SARGEANTAlfred HicksGloucester st, 23saddler
SCARLETTThomas KeanUnion stcarver & gilder
SCRIVENGeorgeLansdown, 2stock broker [TN:87]
SCRIVENSHerbertMarket placecaretaker, Town Hall
SEARLEThomasBowbridge Lane, Field housethere in 1911 census
Sesame Shop (The)London rdbooksellers
SHARPERev Charles Henry, MACainscross: More halldiocesan missioner
Shelton, Edward & CoKing st, 18carvers & gilders
Shepherd, A H LtdKing st, 16 & 17costumiers
SHERIFFRobertEbley: Springfield cottage
SHIPWAYAlfred ErnestLansdown, 23tailor
Shipway, Jehu & SonsEbleymillwrights, engineers, machinists, farriers and general smiths
TN Stonehouse 157
SHIPWAYJoseph JehuEbleytimber merchant
SHIRLEYWilliamSlad rd, 54
SHOLLHenryHigh st, 35 & 40fancy repository; boot maker
SILKAlfred EGrove mill; Lansdown, 53 [h]miller (water)
SILVEYGrace (Miss)Gloucester st, 22florist
SIMMONDSJoseph WDudbridgebeer retailer
SIMMONDSWilliamCainscross: Cashes Greeninnkeeper, Prince of Wales
SIMPKINSHerbert GerardUplands, Glenroy villas, 2
Singer Sewing Machine Co LimitedGeorge st, 9sewing machine manufacturers
SKINNERFrederickSummer stbeer retailer & shopkeeper
SKINNERWalter ALansdown mewsfly proprietor
SLADEWilliam JosephNelson st, 18outfitter
SLADEWilliamGeorge st, Bank house
Slade, William & CoEbleygrocers
SLOMANStanleyLower st, Berkeley villas, 2
SMALESHarold Rufus
BA, BSc Lond
Lansdown, Technical SchoolsDirector, technical education, Stroud area
SMITHBenjamin ThomasEbleycooper
SMITHCharles HenrySlad rd, 55
SMITHCharlesEbley: Vale house
SMITHCharles WilliamEbley: Cambridge house
SMITHFrederick MagerLansdown, Brookfield
SMITHFrederick GCainscrossconfectioner
SMITHFrederick JohnEbleybaker
SMITHGeorge DanceyLondon rd, 40tailor
SMITHHenryHigh st, 53outfitter
Smith, Hedley & CoHigh st, 54chemists
SMITHJosephBowbridge Lane, Wishanger Lodgethere in 1911 census
Smith & LeeHigh st, 15ironmongers
Smith, R T & CoKendrick st, 15general carriers; furniture removers
parcels agent, Great Western railway
Smith, Rogers & Co LtdRussell st, 12a;
pork butchers;
bacon curers
SMITHRichard Henry George stsolicitor; deputy Coroner for Stroud & Cirencester division (firm: Ball, Smith & Playne)
SMITHSarah (Mrs)Tower hill, 57shopkeeper
SMITHSuey (Miss)Rowcroft, 7art needlework depot
SMITHThomas DThe Limes, Bowbridgecommercial traveller
Smith, W H & SonKing st, 15news agents & booksellers
Smith, William Joseph & SonAcre stcabinet makers
SNAPEWilliam JamesWallbridge, Canal housemanager, Stroudwater Navigation Co & Thames & Severn Canal (The Gloucestershire County Council)
SOTHERNMiss BerthaCastle street schoolmistress, school
SPICERBeatrice (Miss)Parliament stgrocer
SPICERSamuel JamesSlad rd, 112shopkeeper
SPILLARDAlbertBowbridgeinnkeeper, British Oak
Spot's Photo PlayhouseLansdownproprietor: Vincent WALKER
Spratt(from) Railway Hotelcarrier to King Stanley (daily)
& Leonard Stanley (twice daily)
SPRAYFrederick Robert32 High stpawnbroker
Spring, Herbert William & SonUnion stauctioneers
Spring & CoCainscrossgrocers
Star Tea Co LimitedHigh st, 24
St RoseBeeches GreenCatholic convent
St RoseSister MatildaLansdown, 48 [h]
STANTONMissPaganhill, Upfield
STANTONMrsStratford lodge
STANTONCharles HolbrowField PlaceJP
Stead & Simpson LimitedHigh st, 61boot makers
Steel, H E LimitedRussell stautomobile engineers
STEELEGeorge HenryBeeches Green, Beechville
STEELEMissesUpper Springfield rd, Loreto house
STEPHENSAlfred HenryCainscrosstailor
STEPHENSJosiah JamesUpper Gannicoxhop merchant see Baxter & Stephens
STEVENSFlorence Miriam (Miss)Lansdown, 18girls' school
STONEAdele (Mrs)London rd, 56photographer
STONEHarry SmithGloucester st,9dining rooms
STONEJohn JosephRussell st, 17;
Painswick rd, Grove house [h]
STONEJosephBisley rd, Brantfieldthere in 1911 census
STORYRev James WilkinsonCainscross: VicarageVicar of St Aidan's
Strachan & Co LimitedLodgemore & Frome Hall cloth mills & dyers, Bowbridge dye workswoollen cloth manufacturers
STRANGESamuel MayKing st, 19grocer
STRANGEMrsSlad rd, Oakdene
STRANGEWilfredStratford rd, Glendell
Stroud Brewery Company Ltdbrewers, maltsters, wine & spirit merchants, ale & stout bottlers, mineral water mfrs (est 1760) [TN:63]
Stroud & Chalford Water Co (office)Kendrick st, 13R DAVISON, manager
Stroud ClubSubscription rooms, George stW Hill BISHOP, hon sec; Arthur HARRIS, steward
Stroud Commercial Circular (monthly)Russell st, 14 & High st, 52George H James & Owen Limited, publishers & proprietors
Stroud Conservative Permanent Building SocietyRowcroft, 8C A CARTER, sec
Stroud Co-operative Society LtdChapel st; High st, 50; London rd; Slad rd & Horns rdJoseph William ALDRIDGE, manager
Stroud Cricket ClubG W HOLLOWAY, captain; J W FULLER, hon sec
Stroud & District Traders' AssociationLondon rd, Citizen officeHector COLES, sec
Stroud EmpireLondon rd(City Cinema Co of Gloucester, proprietors)
Stroud Feoffees CharityBedford stRobert Edward STUART, clerk
Stroud Football ClubGeorge TYLER, captain; L DUDBRIDGE, hon treasurer
Stroud Free LibraryLansdownFrederick WINTERBOTHAM, hon sec;
John E ASHMEAD, librarian
Stroud Gas Light & Coke CoCanal sideT H WOODCOCK, manager; G F PAYNE, sec
Stroud Hospital for Infectious DiseasesCainscross: Cashes GreenMiss A MUMFORD, matron
Stroud Incorporated Chamber of CommerceLansdown, 1Edward Northam WITCHELL, sec
Stroud Journal officesLansdownWilliam THOMPSON, proprietor & publisher;
published Fri
Stroud Liberal ClubLansdown, 9William George BROWNE, sec
Stroud Metal Co LtdDudbridgeengineers' brass founders;
manufacturers of steam, water & gas fittings
Stroud (or) Mid Gloucester Conservative Benefit SocietyRussell st, Holloway InstituteCharles BENNETT sec [TN:107]
Stroud Mutual Provident Sick Benefit SocietyLansdown, 2O J PEARCE, sec
Stroud News, Dursley & Wotton-under-Edge Times & Gloucestershire AdvertiserGeorge stStroud News Publishing Co Ltd, publishers
published Friday [TN:19]
Stroud Nurses HomeMiddle st, 72Miss Winifred BERKS, matron
Stroud Provident Benefit Building SocietyRowcroft, 6George F PAYNE, sec
Stroud Public BathsBath stThomas Henry EDWARDS, supt
Stroud Sanitary Laundry Co LtdEbleylaundry
Stroud Urban District Council Sewage WorksTown HallGeorge P MILNES, AMICE, engineer & surveyor
Stroudwater Navigation CompanyWallbridgeWilliam James SNAPE, manager
STRUDWICKErnestFolly Lane, Upper Grange
STUARTRobert EdwardBedford st solicitor; clerk, Wheatenhurst union & RDC assessment committee; Supt registrar for Wheatenhurst district; clerk, Commissioners of Taxes for Whitstone divn; clerk, Wheatenhurst sub-committee of the Gloucestershire local pension committee; clerk, Stroud charities feoffees; UDC member
Subscription RoomsGeorge stF WINTERBOTHAM, hon sec;
Arthur HARRIS, resident manager
Sutton & CoCorn Exchange buildingscarriers (A W BUTCHER, agent)
SWABYHarrySlad rd, Drill hallSquad Sgt Major, Glos Yeomanry Territorials
SWAINESir Leopold VictorSheepscombe houseMaj Gen KCB CMG
SYMONDSMrsSlad rd, 43
TANNEREdwardCainscrossumbrella maker
TAYLORErnest HarryGloucester st, 25 & Wallbridgehair dresser
Taylor BrothersGloucester st, 26 & Bath st & motor garage, Merry walksboot makers
TAYLORJohnStratford rd, Strathmore
TEAKLEWilliam W47 Middle stinnkeeper, Bisley House
Technical SchoolsLansdownH R SMALES BA BSc Lond, director of technical education for the Stroud area
Territorial Force Battn (5th) Glos RegtBath st, Drill hallC Co Lieut Robert John Carruthers LITTLE, commanding; Color-Sergt Thomas DENNIS, drill instructor
Thames & Severn CanalLower wharf, Wallbridge(owned by the GlosCC) W J SNAPE, manager
THOMASMiss E BCainscross: Parklandsprivate school
THOMASJohn7 Lansdowndyer
THOMASJohn EdwardBellevue rd, Highfield
Slad rd, Cleeve villa [h]
printer, proprietor & publisher, Stroud Journal
THORNEJamesBisley Old rdinsurance agent
TOMESTom FrederickKing st, 23hatter, hosier & shirt maker; depot for Jaeger clothing
Town HallMarket placeHerbert SCRIVENS, caretaker
Townsend, R & Co LimitedRoyal cake millssole mfrs of Gloucestershire sheep & lamb food rapid fattening cake; corn, seedcake & manure merchants & vi-grana manufacturers, [TA:Townsend, Stroud TN:5]
TOWNSENDRichard WBisley rd, 9, Linstock Lodgethere in 1911 census
TOWNSENDRose (Mrs)Lower st, 50beer retailer
TOWNSENDWilliamLondon rd, The Manse
TRINDERHarry EdwardGeorge st, 21china & glass dealer; UDC member
TUCKWilliam ThomasGloucester st, 20confectioner
TURNEREdwardPagan hillgrocer
TURNERGeorge PercyEbleyhardware dealer
TURNERWilliam GeorgeBeeches Green, Elms
TYLERArthur GeorgeHigh st, 48;
Downfield, The Limes [h]
furniture dealer
TYLERGeorgeMiddle st, 23; Whitehall, 12shoe maker
TYLERGeorgeDudbridge: The Wharfcarpenter
TYLERWilliam HenryLondon rd, 19boot maker
United Yeast Co LtdLondon rd, 52yeast merchants
Vines & PhillimoreCainscrossboot makers
WADELouise Tealor (Miss)Market plinnkeeper, Corn Hall hotel
WADEWilliam JEbleymaster, public elementary school
WAGHORNEMrsSlade house
Walker & CoGeorge st, 8grocers
WALLHarryUplands, Middle stbeer retailer
WALLACEWilliam (Mrs)Lower Lypiattfarmer
WALLERAlfred Whalley, MD, LRCP Lond, MRCS Eng, DPHLondon rd, Waldringfield housesurgeon; assistant surgeon to the Stroud hospital TN:43
Ward, E T & Son LimitedLondon rd (corner of Union st)coal & coke merchants & factors
& insurance agents [TN:199]
WARDAlbertBisley rd, The Sycamores, 2insurance agent
WALKLEYAlbert ECainscrosscarriage builder
Warman & SonRowcroft,1solicitors [TN:17]
WARMANMrsSlad rd, The Woodlands
WARMANWilliam Frederic BucklandRowcroft, 1; Whitehall, 4 [h]solicitor & clerk to Stroud General Hospital
(firm Warman & Son)
WARNEMrsEbley: Ashville
WARNERCharlesNelson st, 9innkeeper, Golden Fleece
WARNERJesseTower hill, 48shopkeeper
WASHBOURNEClara (Mrs)George st, 14milliner
WASHBOURNEThomasHigh st, Market placeFire Brigade captain
WATERMANWardLansdown, 7atailor
WATHENMissesUplands, West View
WATHERNCharlesTower hill, 1 & 2antique dealer
WAYHenrySlad rd, Springfield
Webb, W H & SonsNelson st, 26marine store dealers
WEBBJamesTower hillhaulier
WEBBWilliam HenryThe Crossskin specialist
Wells, Walter & SonRussell st, 7watch makers
West of England Sack Hiring Co LtdCheapside(Wood & Rowe, agents)
West, G(from) George tapcarrier to Sheepscombe (daily, 4pm, not Th)
WESTBROOKJosephBisley rd, Claremont not there in 1911 census
WESTERNJohnSlad rd, Cefn Mably
Weston, Rufus J & SonTown Timeclerical, military, gentlemen's & ladies' high-class tailors & riding habit makers; hunting breeches a speciality
WESTONGideon EvansLondon rdtailor
WESTMACOTTCharlesworthMiddle st, 32
WHALLRoughton HenryWhitehall, 6
WHEATLEYHenry & CharlesBisley Old rdbuilders
WHEATLEYArthurHorns rdbuilder
WHEATLEYFrederickJohn stprinter
WHILEYAlbertTown hallroad surveyor for Stroud Urban District Council
WHITEAlfredGloucester st, 24confectioner
WHITECatherine Elizabeth (Miss)Pagan hill dress maker
WHITEMrs HarrietCainscrossstationer
WHITEMrs Lily REbleygrocer
WHITEJohnGeorge st, 23;
Lansdown, 25 [h]
printer, stationer, bookseller & artists' colorman [TN:133Y]
WHITERichardEbleylime merchant
White, W I & SonsMiddle st, 78drapers
WHITEHALLCharles Percyshipping agent (see Fawkes & Whitehall)
WHITLEYHenry Walter, MRCS Eng, LRCP Lond Lansdown, 17physician & surgeon; medical officer to No 1 district, Stroud union; medical officer to the workhouse
WHITLEYLeonard VincentLondon Rd, 56Surveyor of Taxes
WHITTINGHAMFerdinand SamfordRowcroft, 2solicitor (firm Little & Whittingham)
Wicliffe Cycle CoRussell st, 12cycle agents & manufacturers; official repairers to CTC
F M SMITH, proprietor [TN:240]
Wicliffe Motor CoRussell stmotor car & motor bicycle agents & repairers; motor garage; official repairers to ACU Stroud garage
F M SMITH, proprietor [TN:240]
WIGMORESydneyBowbridge Lane, Marsburgthere in 1911 census
WILKESMrsSlad rd, Dulverton
WILKESJ HKing st, Sheraton house artistic house furnisher, cabinet maker, upholsterer, carpet warehouseman & removal contractor [TN:133X]
WILKINSGeorgeBowbridge, Glen Viewthere in 1911 census
WILKINSWalterSlad rd, Gable house
WILKINSONWalter SLansdownhead master (textile department), Technical schools
WILLIAMSMary (Mrs)High st, 42tobacconist
WILLIAMSWilliam JosephNelson st, Winchcombe house
WILSONJohn HenryTown hall;
Stratford rd [h]
rate collector to the Urban District Council
WILSONWalter John WilliamCainscross rd, Kingston house
Wilts & Dorset Banking Co LtdGeorge st(branch: George Jas Wood HOMER, manager)
open daily 10-3; Th 10-1; F 10-4
WINTERBOTHAMEdward Weedon, BAHigh st, Bank houseJP
Winterbotham & SonsRowcroft, 5solicitors
WINTERBOTHAMFrederickRowcroft, 5 solicitor; commissioner for oaths; clerk to Guardians, RDC, assessment, school attendance committees, joint hospital board; Supt registrar for Stroud district; Official Correspondent, Stroud & Painswick schools, Stroud local Higher Education Committee; clerk, Stroud Joint Burial Committee, to Marling School Governors, to Stroud Rural and Nailsworth Pension Sub-Committee, to Gloucestershire Insurance Committee (Stroud District) (firm Winterbotham & Sons)
WISEAlice (Mrs)Horns rdshopkeeper
Witchell, E & SonsLansdown, 1solicitors
WITCHELLEdward Northam Lansdown, 1; The Birches [h]solicitor & clerk to Stroud UDC & to Stroud Urban Pension Sub-Committee; sec, Chamber of Commerce (firm Witchell E & Sons)
Withey & WitheyHigh st, 55grocers; wine & spirit merchants
WITTSElla (Miss)Middle st, 33apartments
Wood, M R & SonsGloucester st, 29cabinet makers
Wood & RoweCheapsidecoal, salt, builders' mchts; depots: Nailsworth [TN:157] Ryeford & Stonehouse railway stations [TN:44]
WOODFrank George PeterSlad rd, 44
WOODMiles FrederickCainscross: Cainscross villa
WOODCOCKThomas HenryCainscross rd, Leominster villa
WOODFORDEmma (Mrs)Russell st, 22 & 22atemperance hotel 21; tobacconist & confectioner
WOODFORDMrsDownfield, Grafton house
WOODWARDMissCainscross rd, Prospect place, 2
WOODYATTRolandNelson st, 10ironmonger
WOOLLRIGHTJohn TuppenLondon rd, Arundells [mill?]there in 1911 census
Wright, Frederick LimitedHigh st, 3tobacconists
Wyman & Sons LimitedRailway stationstationers
WYNNEdwin junTower hill, 7wardrobe dealer

Copyright © John & Marion Hearfield 2012